Dream Room

Dance Performance–Live Stream–

During the pandemic, in late 2020 and early 2021, artists from two separate countries couldn’t physically be together. To create this show, we relied on remote video and audio feeds to create a group dance piece that spanned the distance between the dancers. Dream Room was presented in October 2021 for live audiences simultaneously in Hull, Quebec and Arnhem, the Netherlands as well as online audiences via a live stream.

Role: digital space design, visual design, projections and live broadcasting


Katie Ward–choreographer-dancer-producer

JoDee Allen–digital space design, visual design, projections and live broadcasting

Gabrielle Couillard–sound mix and design, telematics & additional sound effects

Kim-Sanh Châu–dancer

Öykü Önder–lighting

Yolande Laroche–composer

Mairead Filgate–rehearsal director

MarieClaire Forté–artistic support

Paula Walta (choreographer-dancer)

Aida Guirro Salina (dancer)

Babsie Van Aalderen (light designer)

Felice Parqui (sound)

Marte Bosma (projections)

Julia Willms (video consultant)